Water Resources


Population growth, increasing demands for water and energy, reduced water supply reliability, climate uncertainty, extreme weather events, decline in critical ecosystems services, 不断变化的监管环境和全球人口对可持续粮食安全的需求增加了对综合的需求, scalable, system-level solutions.

雅各布斯领导开发和实施全面集成的解决方案,帮助我们的客户应对这些复杂的环境挑战, 在哪些地方,对水循环的建筑和自然组成部分的积极管理是水可持续性的关键. Our engineers, 科学家和规划师与客户合作,通过确定管理风险的解决方案来改善人们的福祉, protect people and assets, 满足法规要求,并提供针对进一步可变性和变化的长期弹性.

As our world struggles with balancing water availability and demands, water pollution, competition for limited water resources and vulnerability to natural hazards, 雅各布斯与全球各地的客户合作,更好地管理世界水资源,使我们的水系统更能适应气候变化——因为我们相信,社区安全是很重要的, reliable water infrastructure now and in the future.

Our projects

Jacobs delivers tailored solutions worldwide. 我们的全球项目组合支持客户解决诸如老化首页等动态问题, impacts from climate change, water scarcity, flooding and affordability. 我们与客户合作开发的解决方案为社区提供了蓬勃发展所需的基础.