

The most hallowed ground in the United States

阿灵顿国家公墓 in Arlington, 维吉尼亚州


每年, more than three million people visit 阿灵顿国家公墓 in Arlington, 维吉尼亚州, 为了纪念这400多人,000名军人, 退伍军人和他们的家人安息在这片神圣的土地上,了解我们国家的历史.

占地624英亩, 坟场每星期一至星期五举行约30场葬礼,星期六举行约10场, 总计超过7个,每年有1000个葬礼. 为了使墓地在未来保持开放和活跃,扩建项目一直是一个优先事项.

千年计划, the first expansion of the cemetery in more than 40 years, developed over 27 acres to accommodate an additional 56,000 interments located either above or below ground. 正规博彩十大网站排名与Louis Berger(前身为安曼)的合资企业为扩建提供设计服务 & 惠特尼). 

“设计阿灵顿国家公墓扩建项目是我的荣幸. 最后的环境尊重那些在武装部队服役的人,并为他们的家人和访客提供一个和平和反思的地方.”



事业部副总裁 & 全球设计负责人

  • 7 K+


  • 27 K+

    acre expansion marks first expansion in 40 years

  • 1.4 K


  • 56 K

    additional internments to extend capacity to meet 2040 needs


千年计划, the first expansion of the cemetery in over 40 years, developed 27 acres on the property’s north side. The design accommodated an additional 56,000 interments through a combination of in-ground casket burials, 火化葬礼, 火葬葬在多个骨灰安置庭院横跨景观场地.

由雅各布斯和路易斯·伯杰领导的千年项目设计非常低调,与相邻的简单墓碑保持一致,并仔细考虑了边界墙, 山, and trees that were affected 由 expansion. The team studied adjoining historic districts, including Joint Base Fort Myer - Henderson Hall, 阿林顿之家, 和阿灵顿国家公墓建立了一个独特的千年计划, complementary component of the 阿灵顿国家公墓 Historic District, soon to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

项目设计提出了缓解措施, 包括记录边界墙, reusing boundary wall stone in new walls, 保护树木, and surveying invasive species and habitats. 设计影响小于2.63英亩的树木. A stream on the site was also reconnected to its floodplain.


千年计划 at 阿灵顿国家公墓 received the 2019  特别项目钻石奖 category from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of New York, 哪个奖项表彰成员公司卓越的技术和独创性的设计成就,并根据包括复杂性在内的一套严格的标准进行评判, 创新, 以及对社会的价值. 该项目还获得了2019年AIA(美国建筑师协会)北弗吉尼亚分会颁发的优异奖,并被评为最佳建筑 2019 最佳景观硬景观城市发展项目和年度项目入围者 由 《首页》 MidAtlantic章. Arlington County also recognized the project with one of its 2019年卓越设计奖.
